Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Bring Pixie Hollow Back Project 2015/2016

 Hey everyone! Pixie Hollow closed on September 19th, 2013. But the Pixie Hollow community is giving bringing back this amazing game one last shot. We need all the help we can get, a new official petition was made on October the 26th and we're working hard to get as many signatures as possible.
The official petition link is right here:
Please sign and share this everywhere you can, it could make a difference in the long run and it would mean so much to our community if you would!
 This game helped create so many friendships and connections beyond the game after it closed, and for that I'm thankful. I want more people to be able to have this opportunity because if it hadn't been for this game I would've never met some of the most important people in my life.
Pixie Hollow was an amazing game overall, the animation was beautiful and there were tons of things to do on the site. I have to say it's one of the only games I've found to be fun and worth playing.
Please help us in this last fight to bring something so special to so many people. Remember to sign the petition and pass it on.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We got 100 people but it says we need 200 now so it did not work :(

    1. After it gets to the current number of signatures needed, the amount needed will increase. We are going to need a lot more signatures than 100 if we are to bring back this game.

  3. Try sending it to disney now hopefully it will work even though it says we need 100 more:(

  4. Hi!

    I miss Pixie Hollow. Not as much as before, but still. My mom made an account for me when I was younger, as she was trying to calm me down. This was in 2010. Ever since then, I would play. I forgot my fairies name already, but I have one video somewhere :). My mother payed money to Pixie Hollow for the "free diamond's" thing. She never lies... xD. Come to think of it, my fairy's FIRST name was Ashley. She was a water fairy :). Anywho, hopeefully PH will come back.


  5. i remember when i was like 9 i cried when pixie hollow closed , we have to bring it back!

  6. i am about to send a hand-written letter to disney interactive studios and schell games. whoever sees this; pleease do the same. their emails are not working, and i think hand written letters give more impact. i absolutely agree with this, having such a wonderful opportunity for young girls everywhere taken away like that breaks my heart like nothing else. i learned how to type, i learned how to connect with people who are different than me, i learned empathy. such a little game changed my life and i even won an art competition (How Will You Train?) in which i won a flatscreen TV (still used every single day) and a bunch of other things; that still remain in my house to this day. lets all help bring back pixie hollow.

    -now 16 year old, "carnation eveningshine" and "nutmeg"

  7. i am about to send a hand-written letter to disney interactive studios and schell games. whoever sees this; pleease do the same. their emails are not working, and i think hand written letters give more impact. i absolutely agree with this, having such a wonderful opportunity for young girls everywhere taken away like that breaks my heart like nothing else. i learned how to type, i learned how to connect with people who are different than me, i learned empathy. such a little game changed my life and i even won an art competition (How Will You Train?) in which i won a flatscreen TV (still used every single day) and a bunch of other things; that still remain in my house to this day. lets all help bring back pixie hollow.

    -now 16 year old, "carnation eveningshine" and "nutmeg"

  8. Hello everyone! Who ever is reading this keep ready please! Do u remember when you could go on fun adventures, meet new friends,play mini games and becoe your very own fairy?! Well we need to bring back the most enjoying game from our childhood, Pixie Hollow! So, everyone please try and bring the most fun game back, Pixie Hollow!
